Ok some of you know that i do a panel on a couple different topics but one is tips on how to save money on your cosplays. I figured out a pretty cheap way to make my Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (MMPR), yellow ranger gloves/cuff and wanted to share. The one picture is a reference picture for the gloves the cheapest I could find them for was 55.00 (with shipping). The numbered picture are the steps I took to make the gloves.
First I searched for white gloves on ebay found the gloves pictured as #1 for 5.98 (with shipping). They were perfect because they were cheap and long enough to make the cuffs from.
Next I cut the gloves into three pieces one for the cuff (roughly 8 inches), one for the part across the knuckle (approx. 1.25 inch) and then the glove part.
Because I always keep my scraps (those who saw the panel knows that’s one of my tips if you have the space) I cut diamonds out of yellow vinyl I had left over from making my MMPR yellow ninjetti cosplay and sewed them onto the cuff. (Picture 2)
Next I cut strips of white foam (also left over from yellow ninjetti) and sewed them into the knuckle pieces (picture 3)
After that I sewed the knuckle piece to the back of the glove (picture 5)
Total price for me 6 bucks saved 49 dollars!!! If you had to buy the vinyl and foam around 12.00 but if u use coupons (again another tip from my panel lol) less than that. Hope this help my fellow ranger cosplayers and give ideas to others.